Le Manzane, Springo Blue è il Miglior Spumante Metodo Charmat 2022

La linea Springo della cantina Le Manzane (TV) ha stupito i giudici del prestigioso concorso WOW promosso dalla rivista Civiltà del Bere aggiudicandosi 2 medaglie d’oro con un punteggio fra i 95 e 100. WOW, The Italian Wine Competition, è l’unica competizione enologica promossa da una testata italiana, riservata ai vini nazionali che valorizza l’eccellenza connessa alla tipicità. Continua la lettura di Le Manzane, Springo Blue è il Miglior Spumante Metodo Charmat 2022

Editoria e paesaggio: la fotografia contemporanea come ricerca

EASTERN BOSNIA – JULY 2001: Two men were carying bags down a hill. Inside the bags were the remains of neighbours from their village. The two men had not been there when the Serbian Army occupied their village during the war; they had joined the Bosnian Army. Now they had come back to find their missing family members who lay unburried somwhere in the mountains where they had hidden. Thousands of these thick nylon white bags have been used in Bosnia in the past seven years. During the war in Bosnia I never saw an explosion of mortar shell that killed tens of people; I never saw when sniper bullet hit a woman crossing the road.; I was either just behind the corner or I was laying on the ground; looking for shelter.; During the war I wasn’t photographer; I was 15 when war ended. But I was raised in war. And that is something that will always be in the back of my brain. Every time I press the shutter it recalls things I saw in war but didn’t photographed. I was news myself and now I photograph other people being news. After war ended journalists went away and suddenly Bosnia was gone from the cover pages and TV. I looked around and felt that they went too early; abandoned the subject whilst it was still hot; it was so many things going on and far most important there was a Life going on; difficult but worth living and photographing. So I spent 4 years photographing the Aftermath of Bosnian war for independence. I went to the sites of the mass executions where tens of thousands of Bosnians found their end. There is between 25000 and 30000 missing Bosnians. Numbers are still not final. Most of missing were killed in manhunt that came after the fall of “safe UN zones” like Srebrenica. Most of them were civilians.
(Photo by Ziyah Gafic/Exclusive by Getty Images)

Con un intenso e lucido racconto della Bosnia-Erzegovina a vent’anni dalla fine della guerra che ne ha devastato il territorio e il tessuto umano e sociale, prosegue, venerdì 28 ottobre alle ore 21, il ciclo di incontri pubblici Editoria e paesaggio: la fotografia contemporanea come ricerca, dedicato al dialogo tra paesaggio e fotografia contemporanea nell’ambito editoriale e non solo, organizzato dalla Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche in collaborazione con lo spazio culturale Lab27. Continua la lettura di Editoria e paesaggio: la fotografia contemporanea come ricerca

Contrasti architettonici senza tempo tra stile Liberty Alpino e design moderno nel progetto del Parkhotel Holzner di Soprabolzano

Adagiato sul versante meridionale del soleggiato Altopiano del Renon, il Parkhotel Holzner porta con sé quasi 120 anni di storia e uno stile capace di suscitare fascino e stupire non solo chi vi soggiorna e lo vive dall’interno, ma anche coloro che con occhio attento e curioso lo scrutano dall’esterno. Continua la lettura di Contrasti architettonici senza tempo tra stile Liberty Alpino e design moderno nel progetto del Parkhotel Holzner di Soprabolzano